Thank you for your patience

Hey all. Thank you for coming to our humble abode. It seems we have been spending more time in the studio and less time here. So, we do want to thank you for your patience as we are working on a facelift in between studio sessions (and video production). Thank you so much, Michael & Deborah Anderson

Don’t want to get too technical with virtual reality? Don’t want to spend your entire life’s savings on VR equipment, gadgets, games, and devices?

That’s ok!

While it is still one of the newer aspects of virtual reality (VR), you can actually use your smartphone to get hooked up for your VR experience. Some of the advantages of this include the ability to take it with you anywhere!

It is also a bit easier on the pocketbook and allows you to start your virtual reality experience “yesterday.” Of course, that is assuming that you have done your homework and you have the right stuff.

Next Steps

You need to ensure that your smartphone is capable of virtual reality technology. You also need to ensure that there are not any adapters or special software that is needed in order to bring your smartphone up to speed with the VR generation.

Another thing you should check on is what games are available for virtual reality on your smartphone. If you are not too picky and you just want to play, it is probably easier to find what you are looking for or to settle for what is out there for the VR-on-the-smartphone experience.

Another term for this whole smartphone VR thing is mobile VR. Don’t let the simplicity of the term fool you too much. While the smartphone or mobile VR is really cool, it can also get out of hand (literally and figuratively!) to a point where annoying things happen. For example, maybe you hook up a viewer and external headset to your smartphone (that is normal, right) but then you have trouble catching your calls while you are participating in your VR experience.

Fortunately, in many cases, you can set the phone to interrupt you if a call comes in while you are playing with your VR.

Ensure Your Are Aware Before the Purchase Decision

These are the types of things that you may not be aware of unless you visit some review sites online. Or, maybe you have asked your friends. You will want to identify the pros and cons of the experiences that others are having with mobile VR. Determine whether or if it is for you or not.

But, again, the less picky you are and the less that you require, the better. This means that it is more likely that you can find a happy balance in your mobile VR experience. This helps you to find what you are looking for and enjoy doing it.

The How-To for setting up your mobile VR is pretty straightforward. You can do it as easy as picking up the inexpensive Google Cardboard viewer. You insert your smartphone into its spot in the viewer, and off you go. Those two steps and you are ready, with a very minimal financial investment. Of course, there are the apps, for the VR experience, but we figure you have a handle on that 🙂

Virtual Reality is changing how we view the travel industry.

Whereas we used to have to rely on what our friends, family, and neighbors would share with us when it came to their travels and exploits (and occasional bragging), we are now able to experience it first-hand with VR!

We are able to make an informed decision on what we would like to do, as well as where we would like to visit, all thanks to the science (and art) of virtual reality.

Travel will not look the same, now that we have virtual reality (VR).

We can do several different things.

You have the ability to narrow your selection of vacation hot spots. Then, provide the short list to your family or loved ones. This allows them to experience that short list in virtual reality and help to make that final decision.

Handling Disappointment in a Positive VR Way

You may have a situation where you and your loved ones do not agree on a destination. As a concession, you can experience the virtual reality of the losing party. So, for example, it was a close race and you have decided, as a family, group, or couple, on a particular destination. Instead of pouting that you have missed the other destinations, go enjoy them within your virtual reality application! In fact, visit ten places while you are on your way to the winning destination.

This process also helps you to select the destination that is likely to be the most fun for the in-person experience versus the virtual reality. Maybe a virtual experience in Paris would be delightful because you could enjoy time spent at a cafe without consuming too much of any particular alcoholic beverage. However, you may want to visit a particular city in Germany so that you can purchase a cuckoo clock. You could see the cuckoo clocks in a virtual reality experience. Keep in mind that that doesn’t necessarily mean you can purchase it and bring it home. We haven’t quite arrived at the Star Trek replicator stage…. yet.

What About Google Maps?

Have you ever played with Google Maps? If so, you are experiencing a bit of virtual reality on the web. How fun is it to pretend that you are walking on a street level. Doing that allows you to observe the houses (for potential purchasing options, of course… after all, you are not a stalker).

This is just another example of how the travel industry is changing. It also illustrates how the real estate industry is changing. All with the introduction of virtual reality.

Another great area for travel is the adventure part of the trip. Maybe you are traveling with others who are not as adventurous, but you do not want to miss out on things like skydiving, deep sea diving, parachuting, or even some time at the local amusement park, screaming as you descend while riding the huge roller coaster. With virtual reality (VR), you may be able to experience this while your partner or family enjoy tea at the local tea house. This could be the opposite, with you and the kids enjoying the amusement park while some of your family members enjoy a virtual time at the spa (or a real-time at the spa!).

Think of the possibilities!

As simplified as it may look, there is actually a science to the Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Viewer. It is precise. Without that precision, it wouldn’t work as well as it does.

True, it looks like a box left over from the most recent United Parcel Service delivery or something that your kid has cut up and re-patched together to create a virtual something-or-other based on some sci-fi movie.

Decades ago, that is probably all it was… a cardboard creation meant to stimulate the imagination of children and adults everywhere, to pretend that they were able to experience what they saw on the silver screen.

That is not the case now. It is cardboard, yes, but it (Google Cardboard) has been designed to incorporate the VR components necessary to have a stimulating virtual reality experience.

There are several aspects of the Google Cardboard VR that come together to create the experience.

The Google Cardboard VR Viewer

First, there is the assembly of the viewer. Even though Google has done the hard work, you still need to do the assembly. You need to assemble your cardboard viewer according to the instructions. Fortunately, even if you do not succeed on your first try, you can try again. This is because the Google Cardboard Viewer is extremely affordable, sometimes going as low as four dollars. You could even have a few in the closet, for visitors or backup viewers.

The design of the viewer, similar to other VR viewers, allows for stereoscopic viewing, in other words, 3D viewing. It will house your smartphone. You can choose the iPhone smartphone or the Android smartphone.

Another component of the experience is the software. There are oodles of apps available, again, whether that is the Android or the Apple iOS. Applications can satisfy the entertainment desires of several different genres. This can happen whether it is a game, an event, an adventure, or afternoon tea. Of course, that is something that comes through your smartphone and not the cardboard.

Google Cardboard has been around since 2016. Even though Google Cardboard is not that old, there is a successor that Google announced, called Daydream. It is a fitting name for a VR endeavor.

Thinking Beyond the Norm

Another possibility for those of you who are technically-minded is to develop your own virtual reality programs so that others may access (purchase) your apps for their iPhone or Android and use it with Google Cardboard. The beauty of tying it in with Google Cardboard is that the development costs do not have to cause you to go broke while you are going through the development process. Whether you spend the four bucks for the Google Cardboard or you attempt to develop your own precision-based design, the cost is still lower than the high dollar VR viewers.

Even Google entertains us with snapshots of different types of virtual reality (VR) viewers, including those that are reminiscent of the Mattel ViewMaster of decades past.

The beauty of Google Cardboard is that you can buy it as a kit. That is what we discussed in this article. Or, you can design one yourself (build your own).

Virtual Reality and YouTube

Virtual reality videos have been around for a while. In decades past, realtors used to use panoramic views of the inside of a house, in order to give prospective buyers the perception of being there, even if they were viewing it from another geographic location.

Sometimes these panoramic views were truly technological advances and sometimes they were a process of trickery (and genius) with the stitching together of multiple phasic photographs until it created the perception of the panoramic view.

We have come a long way since then, with actual 3D movies and videos. Even YouTube has joined in on the game. And, that makes sense. After all, who can think of digital media in the form of a video without thinking of YouTube?

Fortunately, it is pretty easy to participate in virtual reality (VR) with your 360 degrees (think “panoramic”) VR video on YouTube. Once you have located a video that fits that description, click on the icon that represents Google Cardboard on that video. Using your Cardboard Viewer, insert your smartphone so that you are ready to partake in the VR experience. Or, in place of the Cardboard viewer, use any other type of viewer that will work for VR. For example, another option is the Oculus Rift viewer bundle (affiliate).

However, when comparing the Google Cardboard viewer (whether purchased or built yourself) to a viewer such as an Oculus Rift Viewer (even without the bundle), there is quite a bit of money involved and quite the difference in price.

That is likely part of the reason why obtaining five stars may not be readily available on these higher priced items and VR gear. The expectation, when dishing out hundreds of dollars is that this thing is the best thing since sliced bread. So, when it doesn’t quite measure up, it is going to go down in the ratings and may only show a couple of stars out of five stars.

In contrast, something made out of cardboard, that costs around four dollars is more likely to hit a satisfactory note since there is not too much of an outlay of money.

Back to YouTube, again, we are thinking in terms of that panoramic view, so whether you are using cardboard or the highest priced ocular-enhanced viewer, you can still view this panoramic-like view on YouTube. Also, as long as you follow the instructions to prepare the VR experience with the YouTube, you are all set.

Often times, those who like the more simplistic, cheaper route, are going to head for the free option of the YouTube videos, as well as the low-dollar cardboard viewers that allow for the insertion of their smartphone, even if that smartphone is not necessarily cheap.

This combination of devices, gear, software, and ingenuity allows for that virtual reality (VR) experience without having to take out another school loan or refinance one’s house for additional payments on the mortgage bill for eternity.

In order to find the 360 / panoramic YouTube videos for your virtual reality experience, search for things like “3D” or “360” or “Virtual Reality” when searching YouTube. In addition to videos that are 3D, you may find informational videos that will help point you to what you are seeking.

Here are some examples of videos you may find:

Sony Gear VR Demonstration

A 3-D Video (Suggested: Sony Gear VR)

GoPro VR Video Recommended to be Used on the Kolor App.

Red Bull F1 Racing in 360 Degrees. (It needs better imaging but is still pretty good.)

Experience VR Dating with Yolanda on YouTube.

The sky is the limit when it comes to possibilities for virtual reality (VR) experiences. It is difficult to decide what to call it. Are they games, excursions, or experiences? Why? Because the sky really is the limit.

If you have thought of something, that something can become a Virtual Reality. And, with all of the possibilities, it can turn into several things. Like a desktop software, a smartphone app, a game system application, a movie box, a YouTube panoramic video, and the list goes on from there.

So, let’s talk about a few possibilities, to get an idea. We will only scratch the surface by the time we have finished. But, you will believe me, when you hit that level of excitement in your chosen VR experience!


You can guess from the name just what this software will do or allow you to do. You can feel like you are the one out there saving the day and fortunately, the software is only $4.99 so you can save the day in an affordable manner while you are at it.

This one is considered a Perspective game and it works well with Rift type gear, if not requiring it. This one might be a little more difficult to find, so you may need to find alternative perspective software that meets the same idea as this one. It is Windows software.

VR Holidays

This software allows you to experience Virtual Reality in different locations, such as Venice, Italy. It allows you to partake in holiday festivities and different cultures around the globe. It even allows you to learn about holidays that you may not already celebrate. (This may be a great way for you to learn about the culture of your future date, giving you both a chance to see if you are compatible in areas that you may not have thought of otherwise).

This software (app) is available for Android and Apple iOS, able to function on your smartphone and compatible with viewers such as the Google Cardboard viewer.

SIMS 2 Holiday Edition (affiliate)

While SIMS have been around for a while and were quite fun back in the 90s, they haven’t lost all of their popularity just yet. It used to be that there were 3D characters that could do things, pick up things, and participate in activities and the idea of that was enough to entertain a kid (or adult) for weeks.

Then, along came virtual reality (VR) and the ante was upped to a new level. That said, there is still a place for the world of SIMS. The simulated activities have not lost their favor within the realm of virtual reality. There are holiday styles, emotions, memories, and all sorts of aspects in this game. That is to be expected in any multi-level game system. In the Holiday Edition, there is even the opportunity to do some filmmaking. This allows one to see what it is that they experienced in their sense of virtual reality.