Thank you for your patience

Hey all. Thank you for coming to our humble abode. It seems we have been spending more time in the studio and less time here. So, we do want to thank you for your patience as we are working on a facelift in between studio sessions (and video production). Thank you so much, Michael & Deborah Anderson

Virtual Reality Eye Masks

What do you think of when you think of an eye mask? Does the Halloween holiday come to mind? What about pirates and pirate ships? Maybe a medical condition comes to mind. Actually, any of these could be true, in the loosest sense of the word (especially the pirate ship) in a virtual reality (VR) game or experience. However, that is not what we are referencing in this particular discussion on eye masks (affiliate) in virtual reality.

This might be a boring topic, but it is a very important topic. That is because it is about hygiene and your health.

Eye Masks for Health

Hey, maybe you have the healthiest body in the world. In fact, the healthiest body that has ever existed in the world. That is great! Pat yourself on the back for that one! But, there may come a time, especially if you are so healthy that you are still participating in virtual reality when you are 90 years old, sitting next to the sexy nurse who is meant to handle your meds in the local senior citizens’ home… There may come a time when health is higher on the list of benefits in your life.

In that case, you may wish that you had taken more time to pay attention to the little things, especially those buggers called germs.

Steps to Be Taken

Fortunately, in virtual reality, it is not that difficult to take a couple of extra steps to ensure that you stay healthy. It also won’t break the bank. So, set aside a few seconds and a few pennies and you will thank yourself later.

When it comes to virtual reality, eye masks are sort of like having rubber gloves. No, we are not talking about some cop show and avoid leaving fingerprints. Instead, we are talking about stopping from passing (or receiving) germs.

Eye mask sizing is different from, say, gloves. Gloves may come in different sizes (really tiny to very large). In contrast, eye masks are generally a one size fits all. But, even if you happen to have a larger head than most, you can find a way to obtain an eye mask that works for you and fits comfortably on your head (especially considering the benefits that the hygiene will provide).

You will not win any beauty contests with the eye masks, but you will be prettier longer because of your awesome good health!

Why Health?

The idea with the eye mask is that you put it on your face, around your eyes, in order to protect that part of your skin/face. Then, you use your VR gear over the top of the eye mask.

The eyes are known to be a source of germs excreting from the body. They are also a direct inward spot into your body. Without getting too disgusting about it, the eyes are one of the most vulnerable places on the body. This is especially true when it comes to germs. There are, of course, other vulnerable places, as well, but in the case of virtual reality, the eyes are likely to be the top of the list for discussion, as well as the most accessible.

Not all eye masks are the same, so be sure to read the reviews and get the highest quality necessary to protect yourself. You will be glad you did!

Apple and its iPhone iOS have had a bit of a slow start in the virtual reality (VR) world. It has not been one of the most popular platforms, having been outdone by HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. Samsung’s Gear VR has worked well for the Samsung phones, but that still does not help the iPhone with its popularity.

Fortunately, with the virtual reality apps that are available via the App Store on the iPhone, as well as opportunities with panoramic videos and 3D style opportunities, there are some possibilities for the Mac users and their iPhones. This is especially true with Google’s Cardboard viewer and the ability to insert the iPhone into the makeshift viewer, whether it is something that was purchased at the low rate of four dollars or it was the product of a do-it-yourself activity with the family.

Of course, the iPhone can also be inserted into most VR viewers on the market.

Will Apple catch up with some of the other VR platforms out there? Will the graphics speed up enough to satisfy the VR players and encourage them to use the Mac OS?

Keep in mind that it is not only the Apple users who love their iPhones. There are many people out there who are not Apple users but still love their iPhones.

How Do You Satisfy Mac Users?

Mac users tend to be very loyal with their selection of their software. They are not eager to discard the Mac OS. At the same time, Mac users do not have a problem keeping their Mac desktop (or laptop) and switching over to a Windows emulator (like Parallels) in order to use Windows software.

If a Mac user is going to go to that length, why not pick up an Android or Samsung at an affordable rate. This is especially helpful with used devices on sale. Also, opportunities like eBay exist. It is not like the VR player has to be married to the smartphone of choice as they can still continue to use their Mac desktop or iPhone smartphone for what they were intended to be used and use the purchased Android or Samsung for the virtual reality play.

It is not like the VR player has to be married to the smartphone of choice as they can still continue to use their Mac desktop or iPhone smartphone for what they were intended to be used and use the purchased Android or Samsung for the virtual reality play.

Benefits of the Used Equipment and Cardboard Viewer Approach

So, now you have a used smartphone and something like the Google Cardboard viewer. This is a wise approach.

By taking this approach, the VR participant does not have to worry about scratches as much. They also don’t have to worry about dents or any other disturbing results to their smartphone. After all, the Google Cardboard does not appear to be the strongest gear equipment or device out there, so damage is likely inevitable. It is easy to understand how a smartphone may slip out of its hold. This could especially be true if the VR players become exuberant in their virtual reality play. From there, one could accidentally knock into one another as they participate in their virtual reality activity in the most meaningful way possible.

Why limit the level of fun? By using a lower dollar device, that comes with a myriad of VR opportunities, and adding a Cardboard viewer, the player may be able to have more fun.

Other Viewer Possibilities

There are other viewers on the market and some are reminiscent of the 1960s Mattel Viewmaster. It is easy to see how the virtual reality viewers appear to be cousins of the same technology. It is also easy to see how the science fiction technology starts to inspire additional technology.

The viewers may not have become communicators yet, like Star Trek. If that were the case, we could have the transporting of an individual from the space station to the spaceship. However, understanding that a smartphone is a communication tool and it fits within the Google Cardboard helps. It may even help to allow the individual VR players to feel as if they are on the spaceship.

From there, it is easy to see that the makings for the comm button. That, and the transporter are just around the corner… at least virtually speaking.

Hey, all.

Here is an idea that many of you musicians have probably already thought of yourselves, but if not, it is a helpful tip to make your own Bandcamp Download Cards. 🙂

If you have a Bandcamp account, you can offer discounts on your music. So, maybe you want to offer a holiday discount or a CD launch discount. Oh, Bandcamp isn’t the only way, but it is fun 🙂

Step 1: Login or Register at Bandcamp

First, you would need to login to your Bandcamp account. Or, if you don’t have one, it is an opportunity to sign up for one. At the time that I (Deborah E) signed up for the account, it was free. I can’t guarantee that that is always the case, as times change rather rapidly in these internet times, don’t they? But, check it out and consider whether you want a Bandcamp account. 😉

Bandcamp Login

Step 2: Setup Your Bandcamp Profile / Page

If you already have a Bandcamp profile, now is the opportunity to beef it up a bit. If you just registered, it is pretty much essential that you build some sort of profile or home on the Bandcamp site. This is the time to do that.

Ensure that in the process, you upload a high-quality headshot, as well as any other high-quality images you can add. Create (or have one designed) a professional header. This is something that you can reuse on other profiles, or modify to work for other profiles. Also, upload your high-quality digital music and post your bio. These are tips for starters, but if you have been there and done that, you probably already get the idea.


Create Your Special “Download Code”

One of the real beauties of a Bandcamp account is not just the eCommerce, but the ability to create download codes. That is the real secret behind the download cards!

Here are the two steps. It is that easy. The steps are described here, followed by the screenshots.

  1. Under “settings” click on “tools.”
  2. Scroll down a small distance and look for the codes section (as shown in the below image). Read the fine print and follow the instructions to create the codes. Then, from there, grab the link that they give you so that you can provide that to your fans, as well as the code that you chose. You are all set!


    Step 4: Design/Create Your Download Card

    Now, to create the download card. You may want to create a short URL to use for the long link for the download code. By doing that, your link will fit better on your download card. You could also put your home page from your main musician page and give a link there, to redeem the codes. But, if you want to keep it a bit secret, or special, you may want to do the short link thing for the download card.

    For example, I use for my short link for my Deborah E links. So, I may create something from that link and it will fit nicely on my download card. You can do a Google search to find places, like bitly, where you can create your own short link (or shortlink).

    Then, there are a myriad of places where you can create the card. You could print it out on a color printer and laminate it. You can do it manually and cover it with contact paper (anyone remember doing that as kids?). If you plan to do this frequently, and with quite a few cards, probably purchasing a lamination machine would be your best bet, along with a nice paper cutter of some sort.

    Be sure to create a digital version, using your favorite image program, and make it available for people to download the doanload card from from the internet. Maybe you want to offer the card as a treat for those who purchase another one of your albums. On Bandcamp, you can create a smaller album or EP and offer it as a free “gift with purchase” for those who purchase the LP.

    With a digital download card, you may not even have to create a printable version. You could just go with the digital. Isn’t that where we are headed as a culture anyway?

    In Closing

    There you have it, your own download card for your music, as well as a couple of promotion ideas to get you going 🙂

5 Hugs a Day Campaign

What is the campaign and how did it start?

This campaign is something that was started as a charity project for Deborah E after her album was released by Seaside Records.

It is an effort to share love for other humans and especially to encourage others that they are valued and deserve love.

There are so many people in our community that did not grow up with love and validation and need that extra boost. The idea is that it does not take that much effort to attempt to encourage others every day and that a goal of five people, with five hugs or five affirmations, is not too high of a goal for anyone to add to their schedules, no matter how busy.

Before we watch the campaign video, a quick word from two of our sponsors:

Snack Without Guilt - Your taste buds have never had it so good! 100 Healthy Raw Snacks & Treats (affiliate link) is the definitive guide to good-tasting snack foods that only sound like they are fattening.


Now, from Ileane Smith and her expertise:

Learn how to get those views to your YouTube channel - only $20 and presented by expert Ileane Smith (affiliate link, but the course is that good that I recommend it!).

Now, for our campaign video:

Through her experience, in life and as a musician, Deborah found that people have a desire >> “I desire to not be forgotten.”

If we extend that desire for oneself, it is a statement that goes like this >> “I desire to not have others forgotten.”

5 Hugs a Day addresses those desires, by encouraging a slight behavioral modification (or addition to one’s life). This modification helps to enrich our own lives while enriching others’ lives.

You may also listen at Deborah E, Jazz Singer

As We Go Forward…

So, what is it that you are going to do to make a difference? Do you think five hugs (or five happy thoughts) are possible?

I think so! It isn’t exactly a tall order, now is it. So, it looks to me like nothing is standing in your way and you can get started even today, eh? See you in that next positive thought (or hug) coming your way!

You are in a good place. You are doing what you love and makin’ a few bucks on the side. You get to write your own music, perform it the way you want to perform it, choose when you play and who plays on the band. So, why would you want to give up all that independence as an indie artist to sign a record deal? I mean, they are going to steal your money and rob you blind and then tie up all your music so you can’t use it, right?

Besides, who needs those attitudes… I mean we have all heard about those attitudes of the big wigs at the top who think we are just a commodity that will help them buy their next Mercedes Benz, right?

Wait, don’t write it off, just yet. Ok, go grab your favorite drink, or your ax, and let’s have a chat for awhile, just a friendly conversation about record labels and some possible benefits of signing with one. You ready?

What Does the Label Have To Offer Me?


The label is likely to have deeper pockets (finances) and a team of (hopefully) professionals.

• Deeper Pockets

Unless you are making oodles of money in music, or even with a “day job.” you may find that a record company may have deeper pockets than what you have. And, if you are doing really well with your day job, and making that 6 figure income, are you finding the time that you need to gig and write the next big hit, or are you spending all your time and energy on that job? If you are making the six figures with your music, well, eh, maybe you should be starting the next record label, eh?